Saturday, June 28, 2014

Mini Writing Anchor Charts

Check out my Mini Writing Anchor Charts Pack at my tpt store!
These charts are aligned to Common Core Standards and Lucy Calkins' Units of Study. (Charts for Small Moments, How-To, Non-Fiction, etc.)  
I use these mini charts in my students' writing folders and change them out for each unit of study. The students and I can easily refer to them during our writers workshop conferences. Great for primary grades!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Pizza Addition and Subtraction!

I am excited to share my FIRST tpt product: Pizza Addition and Subtraction! Students will use pepperoni manipulatives to practice addition and subtraction problems. I did this activity in a math center last year using a paper plate as the pizza. The kids absolutely "Ate It Up!" :) Be sure to check it out at my tpt store:

 -Teach and Be Peachy!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

It's officially summer time! And for a teacher that equals more time with our family. :) It also means that I will have some spare time to start up my blog and tpt store. I am so excited to start sharing my ideas and activities with other teachers and mommies out there!

Happy Summer...Stay Peachy!